Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

install wsl

wsl --install
wsl --install -d <Distribution Name>
// to set default wsl version 
wsl --set-default-version 2
//set default distribution
wsl -s Ubuntu-20.04

get all avialable or online Distributions

wsl -l
// or 
wsl --list --online

shutdown and boot

//boot specific distribution
wsl -d ubuntu-20.04
//to shutdown all distributions
wsl --shutdown 

you can install windows terminal application for esier work

visual studio connection with remote linux server

at the first you must install tools to can build cmake + compilers in your linux distribution

sudo apt update
sudo apt install g++ gdb make ninja-build rsync zip
//in order to work remotely 
sudo apt install openssh-server
sudo service ssh start
sudo systemctl enable ssh //start service on linux startup

for more information read this and this