
IEnumerable and IEnumerator

IEnumerable is an interface defining a single method GetEnumerator() that returns an IEnumerator interface.
This works for readonly access to a collection that implements that IEnumerable can be used with a foreach statement.
IEnumerator has two methods MoveNext and Reset. It also has a property called Current

class Demo : IEnumerable, IEnumerator {
   // IEnumerable method GetEnumerator()
   IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() {
      throw new NotImplementedException();
   public object Current {
      get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
   // IEnumertor method
   public bool MoveNext() {
      throw new NotImplementedException();
   // IEnumertor method
      public void Reset() {
      throw new NotImplementedException();

List<T> collection

List<T> uses an array to store the elements. When the number of elements exceeds the size of the array, a new and larger array is allocated, and the content of the previous array is copied to the new one. 

var numbers = new List<int> {1, 2, 3}; // 1 2 3
numbers.Add(5);                        // 1 2 3 5
numbers.AddRange(new int[] { 7, 11 }); // 1 2 3 5 7 11
numbers.Insert(5, 1);                  // 1 2 3 5 7 1 11
numbers.Insert(5, 1);                  // 1 2 3 5 7 1 1 11
numbers.InsertRange(                   // 1 13 17 19 2 3 5..
    1, new int[] {13, 17, 19});        // ..7 1 1 11

numbers.Remove(1);              // 13 17 19  2  3  5  7  1  
                                // 1 11
numbers.RemoveRange(2, 3);      // 13 17  5  7  1  1 11
numbers.RemoveAll(e => e < 10); // 13 17 11
numbers.RemoveAt(1);            // 13 11
numbers.Clear();                // empty

var numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 };
var a = numbers.Find(e => e < 10);      // 1
var b = numbers.FindLast(e => e < 10);  // 7
var c = numbers.FindAll(e => e < 10);   // 1 2 3 5 7

var numbers = new List<int> { 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11 };
var a = numbers.FindIndex(e => e < 10);     // 0
var b = numbers.FindLastIndex(e => e < 10); // 5
var c = numbers.IndexOf(5);                 // 4
var d = numbers.LastIndexOf(1);             // 1
var e = numbers.BinarySearch(8);            // 5

var numbers = new List<int> { 1, 5, 3, 11, 8, 1, 2 };
numbers.Sort();     // 1 1 2 3 5 8 11
numbers.Reverse();  // 11 8 5 3 2 1 1

Sort() sorts the list according to a default or specified criteria. There are several overloads that allow us to specify either a comparison delegate or an IComparer<T> object, or even a sub-range of the list to sort. This operation is performed in O(n log n) in most cases but O (n2) in the worst-case scenario.

The Dictionary<TKey, TValue> collection

var languages = new Dictionary<int, string>()
    {1, "C#"}, 
    {2, "Java"}, 
    {3, "Python"}, 
    {4, "C++"}
languages.Add(5, "JavaScript");
languages.TryAdd(5, "JavaScript");
languages[6] = "F#";
languages[5] = "TypeScript";
Console.WriteLine($"Has 5: {languages.ContainsKey(5)}");
Console.WriteLine($"Has C#: {languages.ContainsValue("C#")}");

We can also iterate through the elements of a dictionary using an enumerator, in which case the key-value pairs are retrieved as KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> objects:

foreach(var kvp in languages)
    Console.WriteLine($"[{kvp.Key}] = {kvp.Value}");


class A : IComparable
    public int value{get;private set;}
    public A(int v)=>this.value = v;
    public int CompareTo(object obj) => this.value - (obj as A).value;

List<A> values2 = new List<A> { new A(v:34), new A(v: 45), new A(v: 76), new A(v: 23), new A(v: 54), new A(v: 33), new A(v: 65),new A(v:33), new A(v:23) };
var res = from x in values2 where x.value>50 orderby x ascending select x;
foreach(A v in res){ Console.WriteLine(v.value);}

var res = from x in values2 group x by x.value into gg where gg.Key>30  orderby gg.Key ascending select gg.Key ;
foreach(var v in res){ Console.WriteLine(v);}//33,34,45.....
int[] arr=new int[]{1,23,21,4,34,21,44,2,31,53,21,123};
var res323=arr.TakeLast(3).OrderBy(x=>x).Distinct().Zip( arr.TakeLast(3), (x,y)=>(x,y));

foreach (var (x,y) in res323)
    Console.WriteLine(x+" "+y);


Generic types

class Pair<T, U>
    public T Item1 { get; private set; }
    public U Item2 { get; private set; }
    public Pair(T item1, U item2)
        Item1 = item1;
        Item2 = item2;
var p1 = new Pair<int, int>(1, 2);
var p2 = new Pair<int, double>(1, 42.99);
var p3 = new Pair<string, bool>("true", true);
public abstract class Shape<T>
    public abstract T Area { get; }

public class Square : Shape<int>
    public int Length { get; set; }
    public Square(int length)
        Length = length;
    public override int Area => Length * Length;

public class Square<T> : Shape<T>
    public T Length { get; set; }
    public Square(T length)
        Length = length;
    /* ERROR: Operator '*' cannot be applied to operands 
    of type 'T' and 'T' */
    public override T Area => Length * Length;

Variant generic interfaces

  • covariant type parameter is declared with the out keyword and allows an interface method to have a return type that is more derived than the specified type parameter.
  • contravariant type parameter is declared with the in keyword and allows an interface method to have a parameter that is less derived than the specified type parameter.
public interface IEnumerable
    IEnumerator GetEnumerator();
public interface IEnumerable<out T> : IEnumerable
    IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator();

IEnumerable<string> names = 
   new List<string> { "Marius", "Ankit", "Raffaele" };
IEnumerable<object> objects = names;
public interface F
public class FF : F
F<object> str = new FF<string>();

Generic methods

class CompareObjects
    public bool Compare<T>(T input1, T input2)
        return input1.Equals(input2);
struct Point<T>
    where T : struct, 
              IComparable, IComparable<T>,
    public T X { get; }
    public T Y { get; }
    public Point(T x, T y)
        X = x;
        Y = y;

Object-Oriented Programming

Virtual members

In the preceding example, we have seen a virtual method. This is a method that has an implementation in a base class but can be overridden in derived classes, which is helpful for changing implementation details. Methods are non-virtual by default. A virtual method in a base class is declared with the virtual keyword. An overridden implementation of a virtual method in a derived class is defined with the override keyword, instead of the virtual keyword. The method signature of the virtual and overridden methods must match.

Methods are not the only class members that can be virtual. The virtual keyword can be applied to properties, indexers, and events. However, the virtual modifier cannot be used together with staticabstractprivate, or override modifiers.

A virtual member that is overridden in a derived class can be further overridden in a class derived from the derived class. This chain of virtual inheritance continues indefinitely unless explicitly stopped with the use of the sealed keyword

class GameUnit
    public Position Position { get; protected set; }
    public GameUnit(Position position)
        Position = position;
    public void Draw(Surface surface)
        surface.DrawAt(Image, Position);
    protected virtual char Image => ' ';
class Terrain : GameUnit
    public Terrain(Position position) : base(position) { }
class Water : Terrain
    public Water(Position position) : base(position) { }
    protected override char Image => '░';
class Hill : Terrain
    public Hill(Position position) : base(position) { }
    protected override char Image => '≡';

abstract classes and members

An abstract class is declared using the abstract keyword. An abstract class cannot be instantiated, which means we cannot create the object of an abstract class. 

abstract class GameUnit
    public Position Position { get; protected set; }
    public GameUnit(Position position)
        Position = position;
    public void Draw(Surface surface)
        surface.DrawAt(Image, Position);
    protected abstract char Image { get; }
abstract class Terrain : GameUnit
    public Terrain(Position position) : base(position) { }
class Water : Terrain
    public Water(Position position) : base(position) { }
    protected override char Image => '░';
class Hill : Terrain
    public Hill(Position position) : base(position) { }
    protected override char Image => '≡';
  • An abstract class can have both abstract and non-abstract members.
  • If a class contains an abstract member, then the class must be marked abstract.
  • An abstract member cannot be private.
  • An abstract member cannot have an implementation.
  • An abstract class must provide an implementation for all of the members of all of the interfaces it implements (if any).
  • An abstract method is implicitly a virtual method.
  • Members declared abstract cannot be static or virtual.
  • The implementation in a derived class must specify the override keyword in the declaration of the member.

Sealed classes and members

sealed class Water : Terrain
   public Water(Position position) : base(position) { }
   protected override char Image => '░';
class Lake : Water  // ERROR: cannot derived from sealed type
   public Lake(Position position) : base(position) { }
class Water : Terrain
    public Water(Position position) : base(position) { }
    protected sealed override char Image => '░';
class Lake : Water
    public Lake(Position position) : base(position) { }
    protected sealed override char Image => '░';  // ERROR

Hiding base class members

class Base
    public int Get() { return 42; }
class Derived : Base
    public new int Get() { return 10; }
Derived d = new Derived();
Console.WriteLine(d.Get()); // prints 10
Base b = d;
Console.WriteLine(b.Get()); // prints 42


  • An interface can contain only methods, properties, indexers, and events. They cannot contain fields.
  • If a type implements an interface, then it must provide an implementation for all of the members of the interface. The method signature and return type of the method of an interface cannot be altered by the type that is implementing the interface.
  • When an interface defines properties or indexers, an implementation can provide extra accessors for them. For instance, if a property in an interface has only the get accessor, the implementation can also provide a set accessor.
  • An interface cannot have constructors or operators.
  • An interface cannot have static members.
  • The interface members are implicitly defined as public. If you try to use an access modifier with a member of an interface, it will result in a compile-time error.
  • An interface can be implemented by multiple types. A type can implement multiple interfaces.
  • If a class is inheriting from another class and simultaneously implementing an interface, then the base class name must come before the name of the interface separated by a comma.
  • Typically, an interface name starts with the letter I, such as IEnumerableIList<T>, and so on.
interface ISurface
    void BeginDraw();
    void EndDraw();
    void DrawAt(char c, Position position);

class Surface : ISurface
    private int left;
    private int top;
    public void BeginDraw()
        left = Console.CursorLeft;
        top = Console.CursorTop;
    public void EndDraw()
    public void DrawAt(char c, Position position)
            Console.SetCursorPosition(left + position.X, 
                                      top + position.Y);
        catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e)
interface A
    public void fun1();
    int data { set; get; }
public class B :A{ 
    void A.fun1(){}
    public int data {set; get;}

B b=new B(); = 12;
//b.fun1() error
(b as A).fun1();