Class declaration Member specification Function definitions Access specifiers Using-declarations member template declarations alias declarations local struct injected-class-name Non-static data members Member initialization
initialization in c++
Default initialization Value initialization T()new T ()Class::Class(…) : member() { … }T object {};T{}new T {}Class::Class(…) : member{} { … } Direct initialization T object ( arg );T object ( arg1, arg2, … ); T object { arg }; T ( other )T ( arg1, arg2, … ) static_cast< T >( other ) new T(args, …) Class::Class() : member(args, …) { … } [arg](){ … } Copy
Functions in c++
Function Pointer you can not cast non virtual function pointer you can cast virtual function pointer generic function pointer lambda expression [ captures ] ( params ) -> ret { body }[ captures ] ( params ) { body }[ captures ] { body } Function
Declarations in c++
Enum enum name { enumerator = constexpr , enumerator = constexpr , … } enum name : type { enumerator = constexpr , enumerator = constexpr , … } enum name : type ; Array Namespace Reference declaration forwarding Pointer pointer to object const pointer Syntax meaning const T* pointer to constant object
The two nonreference nodes form supernode if the voltage source (dependent or independent) is connected between two nonreference nodes. As shown below
Kirchhoffs Circuit Law
Kirchhoffs First Law – The Current Law, (KCL) Kirchhoffs Current Law or KCL, states that the “total current or charge entering a junction
Op-amp Circuits
Inverting Amplifiers or any operational amplifier for that matter and these are. No Current Flows into the Input Terminals The Differential Input Voltage
Operational Amplifier Basics
Operational amplifiers are linear devices that have all the properties required for nearly ideal DC amplification and are therefore used extensively in signal
Astable Multivibrator Transistors
Regenerative switching circuits such as Astable Multivibrators are the most commonly used type of relaxation oscillator because not only are they simple, reliable and
Schmitt Trigger
The Schmitt Trigger is a logic input type that provides hysteresis or two different threshold voltage levels for rising and falling edge.
Transistor Schmitt Trigger
The Schmitt Trigger is a logic input type that provides hysteresis or two different threshold voltage levels for rising and falling edge.
circuit design notes
Voltage limiter with ic source inrush current protector to protect capacitor from fast charging and let mosfets work as soft start +